Floy Charles McConnell is known for authoring the book "The Complete Book of Bible Secrets and Mysteries." This book delves into various aspects of The Bible and offers insights into its hidden truths and mysteries.
Floy Hurlbut has written: 'The Fukienese' -- subject(s): Human geography
Floy Bowers has written: 'The Bauer, Bower, Bowers family' -- subject(s): Genealogy
Henry Floy has written: 'High-tension underground electric cables' -- subject(s): Accessible book, Electric cables
Floy Little Bartlett has written: 'Busy book' -- subject(s): Amusements, Games 'The busy book' -- subject(s): Amusements, Games
Flat Foot Floogie - with a Floy Floy - was created in 1938.
Floy Joy - band - ended in 1986.
Floy Joy - band - was created in 1983.
Floy Dean was born on August 26, 1935, in Oklahoma USA.
Margaret Floy Washburn died on 1939-10-29.
Margaret Floy Washburn was born on 1871-07-25.
The cast of The Floys of Neighborly Lane - 1998 includes: Barbara Gulan as Joy Floy Brian Keeler as Roy Floy Whitney Vance as Joy Floy
"This is the story"