Floria Ambra was born in 1982.
Ambra Polidori was born in 1954.
Ambra Angiolini was born on April 22, 1977.
Ambra Angiolini was born on April 22, 1977.
Tibor Ambra is 5' 9".
Ambra Angiolini is 34 years old (birthdate: April 22, 1977).
Ambra Lo Faro was born on April 23, 1991, in Piacenza, Emilia-Romagna, Italy.
ask miss ambra, she is an expert.
Forename Author Surname has written: 'Title'
Author of Anthony Ker. has written: 'Not worth his salt'
The cast of The Magic of Christmas - 1987 includes: Ambra Michelle Brandon Skaggs Lou Valen
The cast of Il processo - 2000 includes: Ambra Angiolini Laura Lattuada Stefano Santospago