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nothing it just soothes spirits............ its kinda soothing to hear it yourself too.....

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Q: What happens when you ring the bell in celestial tower in Pokemon black?
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How do you get elgyem on black version?

You will find it naturally on the upper floors of Celestial Tower (the memorial tower on route 7) on both Pokemon Black and Pokemon White.

Where do you find lampent in Pokemon Black?

You have to evolve it from Litwick, caught at Celestial Tower.

Can you get a razor claw in Pokemon black?

Yes. You can get it in Celestial Tower. It is on the first floor I think

Who is cara in Pokemon Black and White?

shes just a Pokemon trainer in the Celestial tower P.S. her name is KARA!

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Celestial tower off of Mistralton City, after they escape from the cave

Where do you get a litwick in Pokemon Black?

At the Tower. The one that begins with 'C'. Not Dragonspiral, the Pokemon 'Grave' one. Wow...' the one that begins with c.'. It's the castelia tower

Where do you find elgyen in Pokemon black?

You find Elgyem on Celestial Tower floors 3, 4, and 5.

Can you get a Lucky Egg from Professor Juniper in Pokemon Black and White 2?

You most certainly can, at Celestial Tower.

Were is lampent in Pokemon Black and White?

You cannot find Lampent, you need to evolve Litwick who is found in Celestial Tower

Where is the man who wants to trade his boldore with a cinccino in Pokemon black?

its your boldore for his emalga its in between mistralton city and celestial tower