I'm not so sure what will happen if you mix EVERYTHING together... but i did an experiment in class today and when you mix the yeast to the apple juice the yeast makes the apple juice rise... and when you mix the sand and the apple juice most of the sand sinks to the bottom but a few minerals float..hope that helps :p
It will ferment because of the wild or air-born yeast that gets in the apple juice. The yeast then eats the sugar, creating CO2, which is where u get fizzling bubbles. Altogether, it makes an alcohol (beer) smell or flavor.
It is warm apple juice.
Apparently. I tried to substitute pickle juice for apple cider vinegar in a recipe and it wouldn't rise at all.
Only by adding grape juice concentrate, sugar and yeast, and waiting a week.
Most likely in trace amounts, yes. To make apple cider vinegar, you start with apple juice. Yeast is added to the juice, which transforms the sugars in the juice to alcohol. During this time, care is taken to ensure that no oxygen is able to get to the "must".If it is allowed to completely ferment, nearly all (but unlikely completely all) off the sugarsa will be gone from the juice. At this point you have "Hard" cider (or just cider if you live outside the USA). At this point, the airlocks are removed and a bacteria is introduced (or allowed to self-introduce) to the cider. This bacteria turns the alcohol into acedic acid- which is the stuff that gives vinegar its strong taste and smell. It is unlikely that there would be a complete transformation of all the alcohol, so yes there is most likely alcohol in the vinegar. However, it is in amounts so small as to be nearly impossible to detect.
The rate of fermentation depends on various factors such as sugar content, acidity, and presence of nutrients for yeast. Generally, apple juice has a higher rate of fermentation compared to carrot juice due to its higher sugar content. Yeast ferments sugars into alcohol and carbon dioxide, so the more sugar present, the faster the fermentation process.
warm water - yeast needs warm water to become active. suger is the yeast's food .it gives the yeast the energy it needs to grow. cold water - the cold water kills the yeast (kind of) normal room temperature - the yeast just becomes in active and doesn't react
No. If you mix yeast and grape juice you get wine.
Pure water can not be fermented. Fermentation happens when yeast lives on sugars that have been dissolved in water.
it turns weird
Nothing happens. Yeast needs water to activate. Flour doesn't become dough without water. Sugar doesn't dissolve without water. You need water to make something happen.
When yeast is in cold water, it goes dormant. If the water is too cold, though, it will kill the yeast.