They don't, if someone throws up its because they ate the banana too fast and drank the Sprite way too fast. Eating anything fast can make you vomit, and drinking any kind of soda fast can make you vomit due to the carbonation. Honestly, even water can make you vomit if drank at a rapid rate. That's why parent have always told their kids not to eat or drink too fast or they'll get a tummy ache. Bananas are my favorite fruit and I love sprite, I have them together all the time and have never thrown up. I've even given them to my children, they have never thrown up either.
I have heard so from multiple sources. I haven’t tried myself as I was already born with a digestion disorder and I cry like a baby to even the slightest amount of stomach pain. But do more research if you haven’t already. Don’t try it until you have. And never intentionally hurt yourself!
The sprite and banana challenge will make you puke when you drink a bottle of sprite and eat a banana at the same time it can cause acid bubbles in your stomache and get you really sick so don't try the banana and sprite challenge!!!!
the banana and sprite challenge is where a person has to eat 2 bananas and drink 2 cans of sprite without vomiting or burping.
You vomit and your stomach will hurt... Your stomach will not know wat to break down so yeah and DO NOT TRY THAT it will hurt
Nothing they just eat the banana
It taste like terrible sprite!
nothing happens
it will explode
it becomes a solid
Your guinea pig can eat banana. They will also choose to eat banana skin.
banana is yum yum and squid eat banana
Skinks can indeed eat banana skins. Though this is a possibility it is not very likely that a skink will eat a banana skin.
Sam the Spirit of Halloween