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they are both screwed

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Q: What happens when someone hits a uninsured parked car?
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What happens when a person hits your uninsured parked car in front of your home they have full coverage?

if it there fault there insurance pays

Who is at fault if a person hits your parked uninsured car?

They are.

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What happens if a uninsured person hits your uninsured parked vehicle?

Depends on the state as far as I am aware but I think for the most part you are screwed if they are here illegally at least. If they are just uninsured but live here sue them and all should be fine... As long as you have there name and plate of course.... * You are never in the right to hit a parked vehicle nor rear end a car. FactPalooza.Com Interesting Facts. Thank You

If your car is parked in a driveway and you have no insurance and someone hits it?

If someone hits a parked car then they are automatically liable.

What action should you take if an uninsured vehicle hits your parked car?

That is the only course of action you can take.

What happens if an insured automobile hits uninsured automobile?

the uninsured automobile owner rhas to pay out of pocket for the damage

What happens if an Uninsured driver hits another uninsured driver?

Uninsured driver hits another uninsured driverYour both out of Luck, Neither of you have insurance. Both drivers will likely be fined and both drivers will likely have their drivers license suspended.

If someone hits your parked car do you have to pay your deductible?


Who is in fault if a uninsured car slides down a slope and hits a car parked illeagally?

The fact that the car is parked illegally or not has no bearing on who is at fault. The car that slid down the slope is at fault.

What if someone hits my car while parked and i don't have car insurance?

Several things can happen. Allowing you parked legally other than insurance: the person who hit your parked car is responsible to pay damage. If you were parked on private property the lack of insurance means nothing. If you were parked on a public road or public parking lot you could be on the hook for a ticket for uninsured vehicle, but the other guy should pay anyway. Don't admit to driving with out insurance!

What happens if an uninsured motorist hits a parked car only had liability on it and is totaled is the parked car covered?

not by the insuring company of the parked vehicle....they can only pay you under the coverages you purchased...(you state you only have liability coverage) can however ask for restitution from the courts of the negligent party (assuming he was charged with something this could be party of his probation to repay you, and could be the easiest most cost effective way for you to handle this-most citys or countys have a victim advocate)........or you can file a state report, and/or file a small claims action against the uninsured driver.......