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I'm not exactly sure what you're asking, but if you're asking what a Bye week in fantasy football is, it's a week where your team does not play anyone, and therefore, will not record a win, loss, or tie.

Bye weeks are given in Head-to-Head formatted leagues and usually only in leagues with an odd number of teams.

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What is Fantasy Football Bye Week?

In the NFL, a 'bye' is a week when the team does not play. There are 17 weeks in an NFL regular season although teams only play 16 regular season games. Each team has one week during the regular season when they do not play. This week is called the team's 'bye week'. What he said xp

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B.u.y week in NFL football?

No such thing as a B.U.Y week in the NFL. Did you mean BYE week? A bye week is when the team doesn't play that week. Every team has a bye week. Starts a few weeks into the season.

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