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When chlorine gas is bubbled into an aqueous solution of potassium iodide, some of the iodide ions are oxidized to iodine. The iodine molecules combine with iodide ions to form brown triiodide ion, I3-. In this demonstration, the aqueous solution is above a layer of carbon tetrachloride, in which iodine is quite soluble. The beautiful violet color of iodine can be seen as the iodine dissolves in the carbon tetrachloride layer. With excess chlorine, iodine reacts to form iodine monochloride, ICl, which is ruby red. The iodine monochloride reacts further to form iodine trichloride, ICl3, which is much lighter in color, causing the solution to be decolorized.

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When chlorine gas is added to potassium iodide solution, a redox reaction occurs. The chlorine gas oxidizes iodide ions in the solution to form iodine, while itself being reduced to chloride ions. This reaction results in the formation of a yellow precipitate of elemental iodine.

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Q: What happens when chlorine gas is added to potassium iodide solution?
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What happens when you add chlorine to potassium iodide?

When chlorine is added to potassium iodide, it will undergo a redox reaction. Chlorine will oxidize iodide ions in potassium iodide to form iodine and chloride ions. The overall reaction can be represented as Cl2 + 2KI -> 2KCl + I2.

Balanced chemical formula for What happens when chlorine gas is added to potassium iodide solution?

When chlorine gas is added to potassium iodide solution, potassium chloride and iodine are formed. The balanced chemical equation for this reaction is 2KI + Cl2 → 2KCl + I2.

What happens when a solution of potassium iodide is added to a solution of lead nitrate taken in a test tube?

A yellow precipitate of lead iodide is formed due to the reaction between potassium iodide and lead nitrate. This reaction is a double displacement reaction, where the potassium from potassium iodide swaps places with the lead from lead nitrate, forming the insoluble lead iodide.

When chlorine is added to potassium iodide solution the colour changes from colourless to a dark reddy brown why does this happen?

The dark red-brown color change occurs because the chlorine oxidizes iodide ions to form iodine, which reacts with excess iodide ions to form triiodide ions. These triiodide ions absorb light in the visible range, resulting in the dark red-brown color observed in the solution.

What happens when silver nitrate solution is added to potassium iodide solution?

A white precipitate of silver iodide forms due to the reaction between silver ions and iodide ions, leaving potassium nitrate in solution. This reaction is a double displacement reaction and is used as a test for iodide ions.

Related questions

What happens when you add chlorine to potassium iodide?

When chlorine is added to potassium iodide, it will undergo a redox reaction. Chlorine will oxidize iodide ions in potassium iodide to form iodine and chloride ions. The overall reaction can be represented as Cl2 + 2KI -> 2KCl + I2.

What happens when a solution of chlorine is mixed separately with potassium bromine solution and potassium iodide?

When chlorine is mixed with potassium bromide solution, chlorine will displace bromine to form potassium chloride. Similarly, when chlorine is mixed with potassium iodide solution, chlorine will displace iodine to form potassium chloride. These reactions are examples of displacement reactions where a more reactive element displaces a less reactive element from its compound.

Balanced chemical formula for What happens when chlorine gas is added to potassium iodide solution?

When chlorine gas is added to potassium iodide solution, potassium chloride and iodine are formed. The balanced chemical equation for this reaction is 2KI + Cl2 → 2KCl + I2.

When chlorine is added to potassium iodide solution the colour changes from colourless to a dark reddy brown why does this happen?

The dark red-brown color change occurs because the chlorine oxidizes iodide ions to form iodine, which reacts with excess iodide ions to form triiodide ions. These triiodide ions absorb light in the visible range, resulting in the dark red-brown color observed in the solution.

Will a chemical reaction occur if a chlorine gas is dipped in a solution of potassium iodide?

no is not a chemical reaction

What colour change is seen when excess potassium iodine is reacted with chlorine?

When excess potassium iodide is reacted with chlorine, the solution changes from colorless to dark brown due to the formation of Iodine (I2). Excess potassium iodide reacts with chlorine to form iodine, which imparts the dark brown color to the solution.

What happens when a solution of potassium iodide is added to a solution of lead nitrate taken in a test tube?

A yellow precipitate of lead iodide is formed due to the reaction between potassium iodide and lead nitrate. This reaction is a double displacement reaction, where the potassium from potassium iodide swaps places with the lead from lead nitrate, forming the insoluble lead iodide.

What is the product of aqueous chlorine reacts with aqueous potassium iodide?

The product of aqueous chlorine reacting with aqueous potassium iodide is potassium chloride and iodine. The chlorine oxidizes the iodide ions to form iodine, while the potassium ions from potassium iodide combine with the chlorine ions to form potassium chloride.

What happens when silver nitrate solution is added to potassium iodide solution?

A white precipitate of silver iodide forms due to the reaction between silver ions and iodide ions, leaving potassium nitrate in solution. This reaction is a double displacement reaction and is used as a test for iodide ions.

What does Chlorine plus potassium iodide produce?

Chlorine gas reacts with potassium iodide to produce potassium chloride and iodine. This reaction can be represented by the chemical equation: Cl2 + 2KI -> 2KCl + I2.

How do you prepare a 5 percent potassium iodide solution?

To prepare a 5% potassium iodide solution, weigh 5 grams of potassium iodide and dissolve it in 100 mL of water. Stir until the potassium iodide is completely dissolved to achieve a 5% solution.

Which one is more dense a solution of potassium iodide or a mixture of toluene and naphthalene?

The solution of potassium iodide (if it is not extremely diluted) is more dense.