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Hydrogen peroxide is a toxic substance that is sometimes made in our cells due to some chemical reactions. It is poisonous so cells produce an enzyme called 'Catalase' which break down hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen. Because catalase is in our blood, if hydrogen peroxide is added to it, it breaks down:

Blood + H2 O2(hydrogen peroxide) --changes to-- H2O (water) + O2 (oxygen).

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Q: What happens when you mix hydrogen peroxide and iodine and sugar?
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Does hydrogen peroxide dissolve sugar?

Hydrogen peroxide does not dissolve sugar. It is primarily used as an antiseptic and oxidizer, and it does not have the ability to break down sugar molecules.

Is mixing hydrogen peroxide and sugar a chemical reaction?

Yes, mixing hydrogen peroxide with sugar can result in a chemical reaction. The hydrogen peroxide can oxidize the sugar, breaking it down into water and carbon dioxide, releasing energy in the process. This reaction can be exothermic and produce heat.

What does hydrogen peroxide and sugar do?

When mixed together, hydrogen peroxide and sugar can undergo a chemical reaction that produces heat and oxygen gas. This reaction is exothermic and can be used to create a simple rocket fuel or as a chemical demonstration in science experiments.

What happens if you mix powdered sugar and iodine together?

Mixing powdered sugar and iodine will not have any significant reaction, as iodine is not a strong enough oxidizing agent to react with the sugar. The two substances will likely remain as separate particles with the iodine coloring the sugar.

What happens when you mix sugar and iodine?

When sugar and iodine are mixed together, the iodine will not react with the sugar. The iodine may simply dissolve into the sugar, giving it a purplish color. This reaction is purely physical and does not involve a chemical change.

What happens when sugar and iodine is mixed?

When sugar and iodine are mixed, the iodine will turn purple or black due to a reaction with the starch that is naturally present in sugar. This color change is commonly used as a simple test for the presence of starch.

What happens when iodine and sugar are mixed?

doesn't create gold, turns bluish though

What happens sugar is added to water?

The sugar will dissolve in water because sugar is polar and so is water with hydrogen bonds. When attraction happens, the water molecules will separate the sugar molecules and the sugar will be dissolved.

What indicates a test for catalase production is positive?

A positive catalase test result is indicated by the presence of bubbles or effervescence when hydrogen peroxide is added to the test organism. This indicates the production of the enzyme catalase, which breaks down hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen gas.

What are two chemicals that contain hydrogen?

Water (H2O) and methane (CH4) are two examples of chemicals that contain hydrogen.

Why does iodine react with sugar?

Iodine reacts with sugar due to a chemical reaction called iodine starch reaction. Iodine forms a complex with starch molecules, giving a characteristic blue-black color. As sugar molecules can also form a complex with iodine, they can interfere with the reaction, leading to a color change.

Does sugar turn blue when mixed with iodine?

Yes, sugar does not turn blue when mixed with iodine. Iodine reacts with starch, turning it into a blue-black color. Sugar does not contain starch, so it will not have a reaction with iodine in this way.