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I am not sure what you want to know. Presidents are paid a good salary. I think all of them had more money when they left the White House than when they went in. Presidents do not have to do anything special with their money.

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Q: What happens to a president's money when he becomes president?
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When a president refuses to spend money that Congress appropriates, ii is called impoundment of funds. This was a power that that was first exercised by the U.S. President Thomas Jefferson in 1801. In 1974, the Impoundment Control Act was enacted to limit this power of presidents.

When did presidents start getting paid?

Presidents were paid starting with first president in 1788. The first president, George Washington, who was independently wealthy, did not want to accept a salary at first, but it was pointed out that later presidents might need the money and that it would be a bad idea to restrict the presidency to those people who could afford to serve without any income.