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Technically it's not hibernation, but they will slow down their body functions (they become "torpid") if the room temperature of the room they are in gets unusually low, but shouldn't just go into hibernation just because it's the winter season. If your hamster reaches this state, in most cases do not to disturb them. Let them come out of it naturally. Golden hamsters become sluggish at about 14C and torpid at about 10C. Dwarf hamsters aren't known to hibernate, and Syrian hamsters should be warmed to get them out of hibernation because they can die if they are in this state too long. Lack of water, and sudden temperature change can cause a sort of hibernation, and this is dangerous. Wake them up, and get them water, food, and warmth. I remember reading a post in the group about a family who put their hamster in the fridge, thinking it was dead, and then being surprised the next morning when the hamster was in the fridge chewing on veggies, as happy as can be! My point is, your hamster might not be dead, just hibernating. Check the whiskers, because on a hibernating hamster, they'll be twitching.

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16y ago
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13y ago

its probably sleeping. hamsters sleep during day and wake up at night.

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16y ago

it can die so you have to keep it warm during winter it can die so you have to keep it warm during winter

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13y ago

I'm sorry to say this, but if your hamster isn't moving it probably passed away.

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13y ago

First, see if its breathing. If it it, that means hes sleeping, hibernating, or could be hurt/paralyzed. If he is not, I'm so sorry, but your hamster may be dead. I'm a hamster lover too.

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14y ago

Take the animal to an/or animal hospital or animal veterinarian

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Q: What happens if a hamster it does't move?
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Well at one point of time I did have a hamster.. and no they do not move.......

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