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After fertilization, the fertilized egg (zygote) undergoes multiple cell divisions to form a blastocyst. The blastocyst implants into the uterus lining and develops into an embryo. The embryo continues to grow and develop into a fetus over the course of pregnancy.

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Q: What happens to a fetilized egg?
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What happens to an egg that does not get fritilized?

If an egg does not get fertilized by a sperm within 24 hours after ovulation, it will disintegrate and be absorbed by the body. The unfertilized egg, along with the lining of the uterus, will be shed during menstruation.

What happens if an egg is fertlizedand if it is not fertlized?

If an egg is fertilized, it can develop into an embryo and eventually a fetus if implanted in the uterus. If an egg is not fertilized, it will disintegrate and be shed along with the uterine lining during menstruation.

What happens if the fertilized egg does not implant?

If the fertilized egg does not implant in the uterus, it will not develop further and will be flushed out of the body during menstruation. This often happens without the woman even realizing she was briefly pregnant.

Where does conception take place?

In the fallopian tubes, NOT the uterus. By the time the egg reaches the uterus, if it hasn't been fertilized yet, it won't ever be fertilized because your body has already begun to make new hormones and prepare to shed the uterine lining. Eggs just don't live that long. They hang out in the fallopian tubes waiting to be fertilized, and if they are, then they travel to the uterus and implant, signaling the start of pregnancy. Sometimes a fetilized egg implants in the tubes themselves, called an ectopic pregnancy, which usually requires a surgery.

What happens if an egg is not fertilized?

In the case of a mammalian egg (humans and so forth), the egg is absorbed into the bloodstream and disappears. If a woman's egg cell is not fertilized, then nothing special happens. The egg cell, the uterine lining, and a certain amount of blood get expelled. Then, usually within 2 weeks, the body prepares the uterus again and releases another egg cell. This process is called the menstrual cycle, or a woman's "period." When an avian egg is not fertilized, the egg will not hatch! An unfertilized egg will not hatch or grow into an animal. After a while, it decomposes. Unfertilized chicken eggs are sold as food.

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How do you hatch a fetilized egg?

You either put it in an incubator or under a hen for 21 days.

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the egg will gone

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it will affect its egg.

If an egg isn't fertillized. what happens to the egg?

it is lost in menstruation

What happens if you soak an egg in syrup?

The egg gets sticky.

What happens if you put an egg in hot water?

the outside of the egg will be hard because the egg will be boiling

How is fertilization of the egg accomplished?

Fertilization of an egg happens before it is laid.

What happens when the pollen meets the egg?

It disintegrates

What happens when white of an egg is mixed with water?

nothing happens

What happens if you put an egg in sprite for a week?

nothing happens