The following people/aliens returned.
Daleks and Davros
Captain Jack
Sarah Jane Smith
Harriet Jones
Rose went back the parallel world with a clone Doctor, Donna had her mind wiped after becoming part time lord.
In series 4 of Doctor Who, the Tenth Doctor is joined by his companion, Donna Noble, on various adventures. They encounter recurring villains such as the Daleks and the Ood, and eventually face a universe-threatening event known as "The Medusa Cascade." The season culminates in a emotional finale that sees the Doctor bid farewell to Donna in a heartbreaking twist.
The series is called "Doctor Who." The Doctor is a Time Lord who travels through time and space in the TARDIS, and Sarah Jane Smith is one of his companions.
There are 13 episodes in Series 1 of Doctor Who, which aired in 2005 and featured Christopher Eccleston as the Ninth Doctor.
"Doomsday" is the final episode of series 2 of the revived Doctor Who series (2005). It features the departure of companion Rose Tyler and the first appearance of the Daleks and Cybermen in the new series.
Yes, there will be another series of Doctor Who. The show has been renewed for future seasons, with new episodes currently in production.
The 2011 series of Doctor Who premiered on April 23, 2011 with the episode "The Impossible Astronaut."
Yes but only with the Doctor Who Series 4 Boxset
Well not really, but some critics think that the Doctor Who series 4 was a bit cheap compared to series 1.
There are lots of soundtracks! If you meant the theme tune, it doesn't have a name - other than the Doctor Who theme tune. But all of the recent background music is available on separate CDs: Doctor Who Series 1&2 Soundtack (2005/06 series) Doctor Who Series 3 Soundtrack (2007 series) Doctor Who Series 4 Soundtrack (2008 series) Doctor Who Series 4: The Specials Soundtrack (2008-10 specials) Doctor Who Series 5 Soundtrack (2010 Series) Doctor Who Series 6 Soundtrack (2011 Series) These feature the background music found in the respective series.
That was called the Song of Freedom. It is available on the Doctor Who - Series Four CD - out now.
david tennant
David Tennant
yes there will be primeval series 4 in 2011 and primeval series 5 in Easter the same this doctor who will be starting.
they are out.
The Fires of Pompeii.
Doctor who series five is the one on just now.You can buy the different volumes soon or you can wait until about 3 or 4 weeks after the series has finished for the whole series.
The series 4 episode title font used was called Futura Book.
Series 4, episode 13: Journey's End.