If you are thinking about drinking, then just DON'T but if you have already drank, you and your baby should be fine. I have heard stories of people being 6 and 7 weeks pregnant and having a blast on their 21st birthday before they realized they were pregnant and their babies are fine. Usually a small amount of alcohol consumption at the very beginning of pregnancy is not too big of a deal but binge drinking can have some effects. If you are still pretty worried maybe you should just contact your physician.
You May Just Get Aids :)
You could drink it, means it was not 'that' bad. You will not get any problem.
It is NOT OK to drink alcohol when you are pregnant ... period.
Yes, it's fine to drink yakult when pregnant or breastfeeding.
is it safe to drink tiger malt while pregnant
Energy drinks from reputed brands are most probably safe for your baby.
Can you drink... yes, but should you drink... NO.
No. A pregnant woman should never drink any type of alcohol.
Stop drinking. Your baby can have severe disabilities if you drink while pregnant.
Malta India was actually created as vitamin drink for pregnant women and sick children.
It is indeed possible to get pregnant before you drink. Many people think that it is a good thing to be compos mentiswhen one decides to get pregnant.
of course [: