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Q: What happen if you went into the water With a sunburn?
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Why do you have sunburn?

because you was silly and went in the sun stupid

Does hot water make you have sunburn?

No hot water wont give you a sunburn but it sure will burn you! Sunburn is caused by overexposure to the sun's or a tanning bed's ultraviolet rays. Hot water will make a sunburn "burn" if you take a hot shower after getting a sunburn.

What happen to your skin when you get suburn?

well if you get to much you can certainly get skin cancer other wise you just have sunburn . but when you get into the age of 20-30 you will have some wrinkles were the location of your sunburn was

What would happen if you stay in the sun too long?

you go purple...What do you think? get sunburn... :/

What can you do for sunburn on your face?

To take care of sunburn on your face you treat it like any other sunburn that would happen on your body. You first keep applying aloe on it at C-VS stores and Rite Aid stores they have these aloe masks for sun burns on the face. Then after you should drink lots of water and stay in a cool area.

What is the worst sun related thing that could happen?

You get sunburn which can cause cancer, you get the cancer and then die from it.

What would happen if you went without water for a day?

You would likely become very dehydrated.

What will happen if a egg went in to salt water?

If the egg was raw then the inside would shrivel up due to osmosis.

Is it 'a sunburn' or 'sunburn'?

The most common way is 'a sunburn.' I got a sunburn. You will get a sunburn. Without the article is often used in the past tense, 'I got sunburned.'

What animal can get a 'sunburn'?

Only hairless animals get a sunburn. Pigs can get sunburn.

Which situation is the best example of irony The police were handing out speeding tickets.The girl went to the beach and got a sunburn. The fire station in Kansas City burnt down?

A. The police were handing out speeding tickets B. The girl went to the beach and got a sunburn C. The fire station in kansas Cit’s burnt down

Is sunburn compound word?

sunburn is a compound word. sun + burn = sunburn