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This depends on many variables. What goes into your food depends on the type of food you want.

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Q: What goes into your food?
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Well, the food goes to your stomach and into your bladder to get to your cells.

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The name of the tube that food goes down when you swallow is called your esophagus.

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The food that that you chew is what goes down your esophagus.

Where does the food go when it leaves the mouth?

it goes to the esohogas

Where does food go?

It goes to your tummy.

Is your trachea your wind pipe?

No, the wind pipe goes down into the lungs and you breath through it. the oesophagus goes into your stomach and the food goes down it. it is basically like your food pipe

Whats the pathway called air and food go down?

Food goes down the esophogaus and air goes down the trachea.

What is the organ that food goes into before the small intestines?

Food will go to the stomach and then to the large intestine after that before it goes to the small intestine.

What food does the apple go in?

The apple goes in the fruit food group.