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Anubis chose to help Isis revive Osiris by wrapping and preserving the body; and so in turn became a god of embalming (mummification) and guide and protector of the dead.
Answer and Explanation: Between Horus, Isis, and Osiris, it is the latter that can be the most closely compared to the Babylonian storm god, Marduk. Marduk, the chief god of...
Ra:Sun god (Ra had many aspects) Osiris: God of the Dead Anubis: God of funerals and Death Horus: War god and King of the gods Isis: Mother of Horus husband of Osiris queen of gods Hapi: God of the nile Thoth: God of knowledge Set: God of chaos and evil Geb: God of the earth Nut: Goddess of the sky and the stars Shu: God of air Tefnut: Goddess of moisture and wet air Ma'at: Goddess of order and balance Apophis: God of pure chaos There is more but these are the main gods
They worshiped lots of gods such as Amon Ra, Horus, Osiris, Thoth, Anubis, Sobek, Shu, Isis, Nun, Geb, and many others.
Anubis took part in the myth of Isis and Osiris; he helped Isis to wrap the body of Osiris and some say that Osiris had been killed by Set, Osiris' organs were given to Anubis as a gift (hence his becoming a god of embalmers).
Re--the sun godIsis--goddess of magic and childrenOsiris--Isis' husband; god of vegetation and the deadHorus--Isis' and Osiris' son--god of the skyThoth--god of medicine and learningThere are more!
some were ra the sun god, anubis, osiris and his wife isis
Isis, the Goddess of Magic, married Osiris, the God of the Dead. Isis and Osiris had one child, Horus.
Ra, Anubis, Horus, Osiris (gods) and Isis, Ma'at and Sekhmet (goddess)
Horus is a falcon god so a sky god, he is also a solar god as most Egyptian gods are so thus a god of light, goodness because he is a protector of Egypt and it's ancient rulers.
The main deities were those of the royal family; Horus the Elder, Osiris, Isis, Set and Nephthys. Isis and Osiris had Horus the Younger, to whom the Egyptians associated as the living god in pharaoh.
I only know 1 it is ray the god of the sun.
Some of the main gods and goddesses were Isis, Ra, Anubis ,Hathor, Seth, Thoth, Nephthys, Horus, Osiris, Ptah, Sobek, and Amon
The ancient Egyptian god Osiris was wed to his sister, the goddess Isis. Their marriage symbolized the union of the feminine and masculine energies in Egyptian mythology.
Ancient Egypt had many gods and goddesses. Ra was the god of the sun. Geb was god of the Earth. Nut was the goddess of the sky and she married Geb and had sons called Osiris and Seth. Isis was a mortal woman who tricked Ra into becoming a goddess. She married Osiris. Seth killed his brother Osiris and Isis gathered the pieces of the body and brought her husband back to life, but he lived in the land of the dead. Horus was the son of Osiris and Isis. He is usually shown with a falcon head.