The requirements for entry to a degree course in Physiotherapy are 5 GCSEs/S Grades (A-C/1-3) with 2 A Levels/4H Grades including a preference for Biology or other science.
The BTEC National Diploma in Health Studies (Science) or the advanced GNVQ/GSVQ in Health and Social Care or Science (usually with A Level Biology) is also an option for entry.
To qualify as a chartered physiotherapist (essential for NHS work) you must first take an approved degree course in Physiotherapy. Subjects will include anatomy, physiology, pathology, physics and behavioral science as well as practice.
Hi the gcses to become a sport instructor are Sport Studies, this is the main gcse you would need to become one their aren'tmany other gcse which will benefit you for your hopefull quallification.
sciences and maths
Beauty is one of the main subject, to become a beautician. You need 5 GCSE's A*-C in Maths, English and Science. Good Luck :)
To become a lifeguard you need at least a+ to become a lifeguard.
yes obviously ...
wefghkl wefghkl
You need to be pornstar and be a pregnant milf!!
None. All you need is talent :)
To be a news reader most employers look for a gsce in News Reading, if your school did not do News Reading then you can attend courses in various colleges that give you a gcse in News Reading, you will definately become a news reader with this gcse
Psycology, Pretty Good thing to take -nods-