

Best Answer

* Hot dog * Hot tamale * Hot peppers * Hot coffee * Hot chocolate * Hot Tea * Hot cross Bun

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Q: What food begins with word hot?
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Name a food or drink that begins with the word hot?

A. hot tamaleB. Hot chocolateC. Hot coffeeD. Hot teaE. Hot dogF. Hot cross bunhot saucehot cakeshot pepperhot wingshot cereal

What is another word for hot or handsome that begins with the letter R?


What food begins with come?

The word might be comestible(s).

What is a weather word that begins with a b?

Blustering which means hot......... blizzard, barometer,

What roman word begins with the letter e?

Empanda was the Roman goddess of food. Her name begins with the letter E.

How is my a pronoun and an adjective?

A pronoun is a word that is used in place of a noun while an adjective is a describing word. The pronouns that function as adjectives are the possessive adjectives.A possessive adjective takes the place of a noun for the person or thing that a noun belongs to.----------------------------------------Examples:"My food is hot" (the food belonging to the person speaking)"The hot food is ready" (the food described as hot)

What is a noun of hot?

The word 'hot' is a noun as well as an adjective. The noun 'hot' is a word for things that are hot, such as faucets or food; the word hot is used informally as a noun as a word for a thing that is current and fashionable or someone who is sexually desirable.The noun form for the adjective 'hot' is hotness.A related noun form is heat.

What is a food in sandwiches that begins with ch?

A food in sandwiches that begins with ch is cheese.

What is a food company that begins with the letter A?

Acme is a food company that begins with the letter A =D

What compound word begins with hear?

The compound word that begins with hear is hearsay.

What is a nasty word that begins with a?

Asinine is a nasty word. It begins with the letter a.

What word begins with e and second word begins with s?
