The events were the same as in every decathlon since (and nearly all before):
Long Jump
Shot Putt
High Jump
Pole Vault
Bruce Jenner
Bruce Jenner won a gold medal in the men's decathlon at the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal, Canada. The decathlon is a combined event in athletics consisting of ten track and field events. Jenner's victory in the decathlon made him a celebrated athlete and a prominent figure in sports history.
Bruce Jenner was an Olympic gold medalist in the decathlon in 1976.
Bruce Jenner was a decathlete and won the gold medal in decathlon at the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal.
Bruce Jenner won the gold medal in the decathlon in the 1976 Olympic Games in Montreal.
Decathlon Group was created in 1976.
Bruce Jenner won gold at the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal in the decathlon.
Bruce Jenner (Gold) Guido Kratschmer (Sliver) Nikolai Viktorovich Avilov (Bronze)
Decathlon. Jenner won gold in 1976, Johnson in 1960, and Toomey in 1968.
The easy answer is one, as in the Decathlon is a single event worth a single gold medal. The more complex answer is also one. The Decathlon is comprised of ten events with all decathletes competing in all of them for points. Out of the decathletes in the 1976 competition Jenner only won one event, the Discus. He was 8th in the 100 and Long Jump, 7th in the 110 hurdles, 4th in the Javelin and 2nd in the Shot Put, High Jump, 400, Pole Vault and 1500
Olympic 9 - 1976 VG was released on: USA: 1976