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The ethnic makeup of Russia is as follows:

Russia's population: 143 million people.

80.0% Russians

3.9% Tatars

2.0% Ukrainians

1.1% Bashkirs

1.0% Chuvash

12.0% others

Russians - originated from east Slavic tribes, and are not genetically different from Ukrainians and Poles. Most of them have light hair, light eyes and light skin color. Most Russians are Orthodox Christians.

Tatars - Turkic ethic group that migrated from north-eastern Gobi region in the 5th century, and mixed with local population. Current day Tatars comprise a spectrum of physical appearance, ranking from Mongoloid to Caucasoid. They are mostly Muslim.

Bashkir - another Turkic ethic group. Bashkirs are concentrated on the slopes of the southern Ural Mountains. Until the 13th century when they were first recorded, they were nomadic cattle breeders. They are Sunni Muslims. They also range from from Mongoloid to Caucasoid in appearance.

Chuvash - a Turkic ethic group, predominantly Orthodox Christians. In the 15th-16th centuries, Chuvash lands were incorporated into the Khanate of Kazan, and then in 1550 annexed by Russia.

Others - including Armenians (0,8% of the population), Chechens (0,9%) and Belorussians. In all, 160 different ethnic groups and indigenous peoples live in Russia.

Answer 2A broader classification would be to say that the two main Russian ethnic groups are
  • Slavs (Russians, Ukrainians, Belorussians and others) - about 83%
  • Turkic (Tatars, Bashkirs, Chucash, Chechens and others) - about 10%
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13y ago

Since Russia, is a very big country many Russians have a lot of ethnicity. Remember the bigger the country, the more ethnicities. Most Russian people are Slavic, those are the people living in European Russia. The place where the Nazis invaded. Eastern Russia (Asian Russia) and Chechnya is where it's all at. There are Mongols, most of them are the Russian Buddhists. They are known as "Buryats". There are also the Yakuts. In far-eastern Russia, those are Korean-Russians and Japanese-Russians. Those are people of Japanese and Korean descent, they don't look like typical "Russians". Chechens, are a Turkic group, not Slavic. If you notice, Chechens have Arab names but they use them Russian style. So it's easy to distinguish.

For example, a person from an Arab country would have a name like Ahmed bin-Omar. But a person from Chechnya would have a name like Akhmad Omarov or Akhmed Omarovich.

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The population of Russia is overwhelmingly white. You can say that Russian are the definitive Caucasians since the Caucasus mountains are in Russia.

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About 80%

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