The watt is a measurement of work done by an object at constant velocity and under constant force. 1 watt, therefore, is equal to 1 Joule per second.
Your basal metabolic rate approximates 100 watts. Thus 1000 watt-hours equals about 10 hours of your existence.
A watt is a unit of power. 1 watt = 1 joule/second; that is, if somebody consumes 1 watt, it consumes 1 joule of energy every second. Or if there is a transfer of 1 watt, 1 joule of energy is transferred every second. 1000 watts (1 kW), of course, is simply 1000 times as much (1000 joule/second).
It is equal to 4.5 joules per second. "Watt" means how quickly energy is generated, consumed, or converted.
1 kilowatt = 1,000 watts1 watt = 1 joule per second1 hour = 3,600 seconds(1,500 kilowatt-hour) x (1,000 watt / kilowatt) x (1 joule / watt-second) x (3,600 second / hour) =(1,500 x 1,000 x 3,600) x (kilowatt - hour - watt - joule- second) / (kilowatt - watt - second - hour)= 5,400,000,000 joules
The simple way to calculate cost is $1 per watt per year. This is based on a cost of about 11 cents per kilowatt hour. Your cost may vary. So, 60 watts times 1/2 year (12 hours /day) divided by 12 ( 1 month) equals $2.50 per month.
1 watt hour is equal to 1 watt of power consumed for an hour. It is a unit of energy, not power.
1 watt is equal to 1 joule per second. This means that 1 watt of power equals 1 joule of energy expended over a period of 1 second.
1 RMS or Watt equals 100 PMPO
I think mini watt is an alias for milli watt, so 1000 mini Watts equals 1 Watt
1.2 km
The Watt is the unit of Power, where power is the rate of change or transfer of energy and equals 1 Joule/second.
Watts are units of power. Joules are units of energy. They are not the same. One watt is one joule per second.
1MW = 1,000,000 watts
The watt is a unit of measurement as related to electrical energy. eg: one (1) kilowatt hour equals 3,412 BTUs.Another AnswerEnergy is not measured in watts, but in joules. A watt is used to measure power.
The SI unit for power is the watt (W), which is equivalent to one joule per second (J/s), representing the rate at which energy is transferred or work is done.
There are 1000 milliwatts in a watt. There are 1000 watts in a kilowatt. Therefore, there are 1 million milliwatts in one kilowatt.