The civil war changed the nation in many ways, in the north the war changed the way people thought about our country. The south or Union, people began to think of the united states as a single nation rather than I collection of states. The war also caused the national government to expand.
During the US Civil War, the individual Southern states had internal issues with state's rights. This element, however, was not a leading cause for the South's defeat. In fact, it had a positive effect in that the individual states aided the war effort using their abilities at the local and state level to supplement the work of the central government in Richmond.
It had a very demoralizing effect on the German public. It put many of Germany's western divisions to flight.
The Hornet's Nest is a name given to an area of the battlefield upon which the Battle of Shiloh was fought in 1862.
The American Civil War's first shots were fired at Fort Sumter, a fortress located in the harbor of Charleston, South Carolina. Occupied by Union troops, the fort had for months been a thorn in the side of the South Carolina Confederates: they finally fired upon it (then shortly occupied it) in April of 1861, thereby initiating the start of hostilities that would become the Civil War.
North Africa
men could be drafted into the army
It was a conquest. It was NOT a civil war because a CIVIL WAR is fought by ONE NATION against itself. Example: Two brothers fighting in their own home would be a family civil war; they are ONE FAMILY; the American Civil War (US Civil War) was ONE NATION fighting ITSELF. Which is also why the US Civil War was NOT a declared war...because President Lincoln (the North) could not very well be expected to declare war upon himself! NORTH Vietnam was a separate country; SOUTH Vietnam was a separate country.
April 12, 1861, Ft. Sumter was fired upon by Confederate forces.
The war had divided the nation; additionally, the war was looked upon by many as a lost cause. Consequently, the returning American GI's were looked upon as losers; losers of a war, and fighting for a lost cause.
USS Merrimack was a frigate and is best known as the hull upon which the ironclad warship, CSS Virginia was constructed during the American Civil War
The Great Awakening
George J. Cooper has written: 'The effect of ionic exchange upon the engineering properties of soil' -- subject(s): Civil engineering
America's purchase of the Louisiana Territory from France in 1803 had, if any effect at all, a strengthening effect upon the 'no-alliance tradition' of the nation. For one thing, it deepened America investment in its home-continent. For another thing, it removed the direct influence of a powerful European nation from North America.
Thoreau's first thought upon being imprisoned in Civil Disobedience was about the ineffectiveness of the government and society in addressing the issues of slavery and the Mexican-American War. He believed that by accepting unjust laws and complying with the government's actions, individuals were complicit in perpetuating injustice.
The effect that ICT has had upon businesses?
every powerful economic class in the nation suffered either immediate losses or from impediments placed in the way of the development of their enterprises
The American Civil Was had many causes, both short- and long-term. The most immediate short-term cause was the outbreak of fire upon Fort Sumter, the Union-held fortress at the mouth of the Confederate-occupied Charleston (South Carolina) harbor. Once this fort was fired upon and then taken by Southern troops, the Civil War had finally begun in earnest.
The main goal of Reconstruction was to reunite the northern and southern states after the American Civil War. In particular, its aim was to help the South be rebuilt upon its readmission to the Union.