

What eats wolverines?

Updated: 6/24/2024
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6y ago

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people , mountain lion, wolf, bear
People Say That Mountain Lions, Bears And Wolves Are The Predators Of Wolverines. Also Wild Boar. But In Real Life. Wolverines Were Known To Eat And Kill These Predators Because They Are Very Angry And Vicous Creatures. And The Only Predator For Adults Is Humans. For Babies. Mountain Lions,Bears,Grey Wolves And Wild Boar. And Humans.
I do, said the hungry human. A wolverine is the hungry animal that will eat anything
it can kill or plant it can stomach. A wolverine can be killed and eaten by a much larger
animal like a wolf or lion or bear or human. If you have ever eaten a wild meat eating
animal and I have, they are terrible to taste. So animals pick on herbivores like rabbit,
and even a rabbit can tear you to shreds with teeth twice your size, and cat claws and
the hind legs kick so hard I hear a domesticated rabbit can kill a chicken with one rear kick. The wild wolverine can kill animals 5 times its size so it is barely possible to kill a sick or wounded wolverine by teeth and claws.
alex .j and alena. B

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1w ago

Wolverines have few natural predators, but they may be preyed upon by larger carnivores such as wolves, bears, and occasionally mountain lions. Human activities, like hunting and trapping, also pose a threat to wolverines.

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Wolves, Bears, Cougars And Lynxes. Wolverines Do Not Have Any Natural Predators But They Do Have Competitors. Lynxes Will Strongly React With Wolverines, Wolverines Will Kill And Eat Lynxes But It Cannot Be The Other Way As Wolverines Are More Stronger, However, Lynxes Might Occasionally Kill Kittens Of Wolverines, But If A Mother Wolverine Comes While Seeing Or If It Is Protecting, Lynxes Can Be Killed. Cougars And Wolverines Very Occasionally Meet. Cougars Don't Eat Wolverines But They Can Attack Them Very Strongly If Wolverines Steal Their Kills, However, Occasionally, Wolverines Can Attack Cougars. Foxes And Wolverines Strongly Meet. Wolverines Kill And Eat Foxes, Especially Red Foxes, But Red Foxes Can Eat Kittens Of Wolverines, But If Mother Wolverines Are Protecting Their Kittens, Foxes Can Be Killed. Wolves And Wolverines Strongly Meet. Wolverines Are Well Known For Attacking Wolves Very Easily But Wolves Can Kill Wolverines If A Wolverine Steals Their Kills. Bears And Wolverines Meet But Bears Are Quite Vicious With Wolverines. However, Wolverines Will Attack Bears On Occasions In A Way Like Wolverines Do With Wolves.

When do wolverines hibernate?

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When was Detroit Wolverines created?

Detroit Wolverines was created in 1881.

When did Detroit Wolverines end?

Detroit Wolverines ended in 1888.

Do wolverines live in caves?

Yes, wolverines live in caves