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no of course not

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12y ago
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13y ago

Each athlete pledges to uphold the oaths of the Olympic Games which includes rules against doping. Olympic medalists are all drug tested within a few hours of their events conclusion.

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13y ago

Steroids are not allowed in ANY SPORT!!!

but you are allowed Viagra

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16y ago

No offense, but mainly all drugs are illegal all the time.... except for certain medicines

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15y ago

Steroids and performance enhancing drugs, along with other illegal drugs like cocaine, marijuana, heroin, ectasy, etc.

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10y ago

all drugs that can do bad for your body (or steroids) except cigarettes.

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12y ago

so the people can get tolde what to do

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12y ago


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Q: What drug are illegal at the Olympic games?
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In what year did it become illegal for athletes at the Olympic games to use drugs to enhance their performance during the competition?

Drug tests were first introduced at the Olympic Winter Games in Grenoble and at the Olympic Games in Mexico in 1968.

What games that were in the ancient Olympic games are in the modern games?

Drug abusing

Are any countries exempt from olympic drug tests?

No. The International Olympic Committee is the drug testing authority at the Games, and they test everyone.

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When was the drug testing first used in the Olympic games?

1968 in Mexico City

Games in Greece?

Unfortunatley it was banned for illegal and constant drug use

Is drug illegal?

Yes, drug illegal sometimes.

How is drug made illegal?

Drug is made illegal by the types or kind of that drug!

What Olympic games were cancelled because of the Olympic games?

the olympic games, of course!

Where were the 1993 Olympic games?

There were no Olympic games in 1993. There were summer Olympic games in 1992 and 1996. There were winter Olympic games in 1992 and 1994.

Is marijuana an illegal drug?

Yes, it is a controlled drug. Illegal in the US if you do not have a prescription for it.

Why is the drug illegal?

What drug are you talking about