The term "hieroglyphic language" refers to a language written using hieroglyphs, which the Compact Oxford English Dictionary defines as "a stylized picture of an object representing a word, syllable, or sound". The most famous is ancient Egyptian; others include ancient Mayan and Hieroglyphic Luwian, an ancient language of Asia Minor (present-day Turkey).
Strictly speaking, "hieroglyphic" is not a useful linguistic classification because it does not describe any intrinsic characteristic of the language itself. Languages written in a particular way may have nothing else at all in common. For example, it is merely a historical accident that cuneiform symbols were used to write the entirely unrelated languages Sumerian, Elamite, Akkadian and Persian, while languages related to Akkadian, such as Hebrew and Phoenician, were written alphabetically.
1. Of, relating to, or being a system of writing, such as that of ancient Egypt, in which pictorial symbols are used to represent meaning or sounds or a combination of meaning and sound.
2. Written with such symbols.
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Hieroglyphics = hiéroglyphes
they are called called hieroglyphics.
they used them for writing.they are not word they are pictures
Quite possibly. The Egyptian word for hieroglyphics was mdw nTr, which means "divine words." Our word means essentially the same thing, from the Greek hieros "sacred" and glyphe"carving."
Hieroglyphics = hiéroglyphes
hiero (holy) glyphis (carvings)
physical harm to one self.
Hieroglyphics was uncovered by the Rosetta Stone
Back (on your body)
This is how you right the word "two" in hieroglyphics:
In one word, it is a park.
they are called called hieroglyphics.