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A Political map has the national boundaries and sometimes state boundaries with their respective names.

Usually a physical map contains topography and geographical items such as mountains and rivers. A topographical map usually has different tones or colors showing height (for mountains) or depth (in oceans).

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Q: What doeshow that a political map doesnts a physical map?
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Which is more likely to change a political map or a physical map?

a political map

What does a physical map show that a political map does no?

a physical map shows mountains, rivers, ect, while the political map shows cities and capitals.

What doe a physical map show that a political map does not?

A physical map shows geological features and elevation. A political map shows countries, states and cities.

Are rivers in the physical or political map?

Rivers belong in the physical realm, but may also be shown on a political map.

What is the deference between a physical and political map?

the difference between a political and physical map is that political maps are the imaginary boundaries (ex. states boundary for ct is a political boundary) and a physical map shows rivers, bodies of water, mountains, ect. (ex. map of rivers is a phsical map.

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I have to say that mountains should be on Physical Map.

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A political map.

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What is the difference between a political and physical map be specific?

A political map shows boundaries, countries, cities, and political divisions like states and provinces. A physical map displays the physical features of an area, such as mountains, rivers, and terrain.

What are the three kinds of maps?

Political map, Physical map, Thematic map

What are the 4 types of maps?

Political Map, Physical Map, Thematic Map and Mobility Map

In general what does a physical map show that a political map doesnt?

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