There are three commas in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Withholding allegiance can lead to social isolation, legal repercussions, and loss of privileges or rights associated with that allegiance. It may also result in strained relationships and conflict with those who expect loyalty.
The colors on the Texas flag represent loyalty, purity, and bravery. The lone star symbolizes the unity of the state as one and the independence it upholds. The red, white, and blue colors used in the flag were inspired by the flag of the Republic of Texas.
The white color on the Polish flag symbolizes peace and purity, while the red color represents valor and bravery. The colors have been used on the flag of Poland for centuries and have become deeply rooted in the country's history and culture.
The Texas flag colors have specific symbolism: the blue represents loyalty, the white stands for purity, and the red symbolizes bravery. The lone star in the center of the flag signifies unity among the state's people.
To pledge allegiance in Spanish is written as jurar lealtad.
It means that you are pledging allegiance to the USA . . . the flag in this context stands for the USA.
In the Pledge of Allegiance, you pledge your allegiance to two things: the U.S. flag and the United States (the republic for which the flag stands).
Yes. It is appropriate to pledge allegiance without a flag present.
It is Old Glory, the proud flag of the United States of America, to which we gladly pledge our allegiance and our abilities and love.
The Pledge of Allegiance was written by Francis Bellamy, a Baptist minister and socialist, in 1892. It was first published in a children's magazine called The Youth's Companion.
The Flag The United States .
An oath of loyalty to the U.S. Flag and the nation it represents
You do not show respect to a flag by not doing the pledge of allegiance and throwing the flag on the ground.
No your allegiance should lye with Great Britain if you are british and went over to america to study or whatever you shouldnt be expected to say the pledge. and if a teacher contests?: Teacher: why arnt you saying the pledge You: im British i respect your country but my allegiance lies elsewhere. (thats my opinion anyway)
That you are respectful to the flag.
I think it mean to answer the sons of the god and other people in the world and war.