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Q: What does washing the crystals mean?
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What is the purpose of washing the crystals after filtration?

Washing the crystals after filtration helps to remove any impurities that may be sticking to the surface of the crystals. This helps to improve the purity of the crystals and ensures a more accurate measurement of the product.

Why are crystals formed from washing soda and hot water?


What do you see when distilled water is added to washing soda crystals?

When distilled water is added to washing soda crystals (sodium carbonate), it dissolves the crystals to form a clear, colorless solution. This happens because washing soda is water-soluble, meaning it can dissolve in water to form a homogeneous mixture.

What happens when washing soda crystals are exposed to air?

when washing soda is exposed to air , since it contains 10 molecules of water and thus loses those

What is the purpose of crystals which form on the stems of some houseplants?

When plants ooze liquid droplets out of their leaves that's called guttation.This dries in the form of crystals.The crystals are nothing to worry about. It is sugar crystals. Some plants produce this as waste.It can mean the plant has been overwatered, so the plant tries to get rid of the extra water,then it will dry in the form of sugar crystals. it's not something to worry about.Try just washing the plant and it should come right off.

What is d common name for Na2Co3?

The common name for Na2CO3 is sodium carbonate, also known as soda ash or washing soda.

What does wet washing mean?

Washing using water as a solvent for the dirt.

What happens when you mix washing soda crystals with distilled water?

You'll get a solution of sodium carbonate in water. People who work in photo labs do this all the time.

Who is the Greek god of crystals?

There is no actual Greek god of crystals. If you mean land formations, i.e., crystals, it would be Pluto, god of the underworld.

Explain what does spattering of crystals mean?

This a process where crystals are infused with other elements to create a beautiful product

What happens when you mix washing soda crystals with sulphuric acid?

When you mix washing soda (sodium carbonate) crystals with sulfuric acid, a chemical reaction occurs. The acid reacts with the carbonate ions in washing soda to release carbon dioxide gas, water, and the corresponding salt (sodium sulfate) as products. This reaction is exothermic and can generate heat.

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washing machine