VL is the roman numeral representation of 45. V is 5 and L is 50. A smaller number before a bigger number means to subtract, so 50 - 5 = 45.
It's like IX, the I (1) is smaller than X (10), so 10 - 1 = 9.
VL = 45 but in today's notation it is written out as XLV
In ancient Rome the numerals of VL would have been perfectly acceptable as being the equivalent of 45. But the real rules governing the original Roman numeral system were changed during the Middle Ages and as a result the equivalent of 45 in Roman numerals today is considered to be XLV.
45 but under today's notation of Roman numerals it is written out as XLV
June 26 = 06/26 = VI / XXVI
VL = 45 but in today's notation it is written out as XLV
In ancient Rome the numerals of VL would have been perfectly acceptable as being the equivalent of 45. But the real rules governing the original Roman numeral system were changed during the Middle Ages and as a result the equivalent of 45 in Roman numerals today is considered to be XLV.
45 but under today's notation of Roman numerals it is written out as XLV
June 26 = 06/26 = VI / XXVI
The Romans themselves would have probably notated 45 as VL but the rules governing today's Roman numeral system, which were introduced during the Middle Ages, gives 45 as XLV in Roman numerals.
VL is not a valid Roman numeral.
Those Roman Numerals mean 1991.
it means 1,150 in roman numerals
988 = CMLXXXVIII in Roman numerals
Not a valid sequence for Roman numerals
It does not mean anything because it is an invalid arrangement of Roman numerals