1. The act of vindicating or condition of being vindicated.
2. The defense, such as evidence or argument, that serves to justify a claim or deed. 1. To clear of accusation, blame, suspicion, or doubt with supporting arguments or proof: "Our society permits people to sue for libel so that they may vindicate their reputations" Irving R. Kaufman.2. To provide justification or support for: vindicate one's claim.
3. To justify or prove the worth of, especially in light of later developments.
4. To defend, maintain, or insist on the recognition of (one's rights, for example).
5. To exact revenge for; avenge. ---- Verb
1. to clear (someone) of guilt or suspicion 2. to provide justification for.
"He was arrested for crime but was acquitted at hs trial, a vindication of his innocence." Gods great name is vindicated in allowing wickedness for a time when he rewards the righteous and destroys the wicked.
Some synonyms for vindication include absolve, acquit, argue, assert, bear out, claim, contend, defend, maintain, excuse, support, uphold and warrant.
Synonyms for vindicate:AbsolveAcquitAdvocateApproveAssertClearConfuteContendCorroborateDefendDisculpateDisproveExculpateExcuseExonerateExtenuateFreeJustifyLegitimizeMaintainPardonProveRebutRefuteSubstantiateSupportUphold
The highest book level is 15.7 for Vindication of the Rights of Woman by Mary Wollstonecraft. The highest AR points on one book is 118.0 for War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy.
'''The phrase "there you are" or '''"there you '''go'''" is: '''''''''''' - an expression that is used when handing a person something; or - an exclamation of satisfaction or vindication.
Vindication - film - was created in 2008.
A Vindication of Natural Society was created in 1756.
A Vindication of the Rights of Men was created in 1790.
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman was created in 1792.
Vindication - 2009 was released on: USA: May 2009
Her Vindication - 1914 was released on: USA: November 1914
He sought vindication for his actions by deliberately provoking his victims first.
Vindication - 1915 was released on: USA: 21 October 1915
In the context of Mary Wollstonecraft's title "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman," the word vindication means defending or justifying the rights of women to equality and education, and proving that they are deserving of these rights. The book argues against the prevailing views of the time that women were inherently inferior to men and advocates for their intellectual and social empowerment.
Vindication - 2013 was released on: USA: 2 October 2013 (internet)
National Association for the Vindication of Scottish Rights was created in 1853.