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  1. Confirm or support (something that has been questioned): "the court upheld his claim for damages".
  2. Maintain (a custom or practice).
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Q: What is upheld means?
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Affirming the decision of the lower court means that the appeals court concluded that no error was committed during the lower court trial and that the lower court's decision stands.

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Sustainability means the ability to be able to be used without being completely destroyed. It also means the ability to be supported, upheld, or confirmed. It is usually used when talking about green habits and conservation.

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If your appeal had been upheld, it would mean that you had won. Therefore, in all likliehood, its dismissal means that your appeal was denied.

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FALSE! The Supreme Court has never upheld automatic expatration.

Can a void contract be signed and upheld in court?

A void contract can be signed and upheld in court. However, this depends on why it was void to begin with.

Was not sustained?

This term is often used in legal proceedings to indicate that a particular objection or argument was not upheld or supported by the court. It means that the objection was not considered valid or successful.

What was the result of the Scopes monkey trial?

Scopes was declared guilty, but people felt the law violated the Constitution. Scopes was fined and the law was upheld.

If the Supreme Court decides not to hear a case what then becomes the final decision in that case?

The decision of the previous appeals court that heard the case is the final decision should the Supreme Court refuse to hear the case.

What is upheld?

"Upheld" typically means that something has been confirmed or supported, and often refers to a decision, rule, or belief being maintained or validated despite challenges or opposition. It can also mean to physically hold something aloft or in an elevated position.

What is the answer to final Jeopardy 5- 22-2012?

1957On September 5, Dwight Eisenhower told this state's governor that "the federal Constitution will be upheld by me by every legal means"Arkansas