Uno moment por favor in English means one moment please for example : " Uno moment por favor Maisha " means one moment please Maisha
Freely translated- and its Pro Favor, One Moment, Please! it"s Italian. It is not Italian. It's Spanish but it's misspelled. The right expression in Spanish is: "Un momento, por favor" and it means what it written above: "One moment, please."
uno mas, por favor
One for all. All for one
It means "all for one"
The cast of Uno por uno - 2008 includes: Omar Ceballos as Student
The cast of Tres por uno - 2007 includes: Juan Carlos Olivas Isha Oropeza
The cast of Cada uno por su lado - 1966 includes: Zulma Faiad
"Uno por ocho, dos por quince."
Por Uno Cabeza
Buenos dias - good-day, hello Buenas tardes/noches - good evening/night Donde esta...., por favor? - Where is...., please? Gracias! - Thank you Quiero esto/eso, por favor - I want this/that, please (pointing) Cuanto vale(n)? - How much is it (are they)? Cuantos? - How many? uno/dos/tres/cuatro/cinco/seis/siete/ocho/nueve/diez (1-10), por favor. una cerveza/un cafe/un vaso de vino, por favor - a beer, coffee, glass of wine, please(n)
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