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"trócaire mo chroí" means "mercy of my heart"

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Q: What does trocaire mo chroi mean?
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Mo chroi ag leat mo gra?

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What does 'cuisle mo chroi' mean?

"pulse of my heart" an Irish language phrase of endearment.It should be spelled cuisle mo chroí (accute accent on final i).

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Who founded trocaire?

Trocaire was founded by Bishops.

Is trocaire a volunteer organiszeation?

is Trocaire a volunteer orginization

When was Trocaire College created?

Trocaire College was created in 1958.

What is the Gaelic word for darling?

A stor, (with a fada on the 'o'), a stoirin (with a fada on the second 'i'), a mhuirnin (with a fada on the last 'i'), a thaisce, a ghra (with a fada on the 'a') geal mo chroi (with a fada on the 'i')

How do you say love you in Gaelic?

I have never heard the you but you can say A' stor mo chroi, which means .....darling of my heart. or Mo ru"n which is my secret love. Tha gaol agam ort ... is I love you. It is pronounced ha geul ackum orsht. Hope that helps.

Trocaire is a charity organization that started in which country?

Trocaire is a charity that started in the country of Ireland. It is a charity of the Church of Ireland and works in overseas development and pastoral support.