To be ill, means that one is sick. Not feeling well, caught something, that's a few other ways to say it.
You're ill. Get to the doctors.
words with the prefix il: * illegal * illicit * illegible * illiterate * illegitimate * illogical * illustrious * illuminate * ill-served * ill-times * ill-starred * ill-suited * illusion * ill will * illustrate * illusory * illness * ill-treat * illustrator
Malice is a feeling of ill will. Hatred is another feeling of ill will toward another person.
It is Ill in Bed.
Pretends to be ill is when a person is acting as if he/she is ill but actually the person is not ill.
If you mean then it could be something like: I'll walk down the aisle of the church. If you mean ill, then it could be something: The bride was feeling ill as she walked down the aisle.
Do you mean ill fated? Unlucky.
Ill-received - unpopular, disliked (usually of a publication or performance)
Ill trained means their training is not adequate or competent
Ill-received - unpopular, disliked (usually of a publication or performance)
awkward like somtimes if ill blush ill say blushies
Someone who is nasty.
There is no such word as ill-balanced. I presume you mean unbalanced which means some who is erratic, unsound, not stable, physically or mentally
very ill. so ill that it might seem like your going to the grave with you illness
His/her/their/your daughter is ill. It could also be a question: Is his/her/your/their daughter ill