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Give me the patience that I need

To keep my piece of mind, And with life's cares, I hope, Dear God,

Some happiness to find. Give me the courage to face life`s trials and not to from troubles run. let me keep this thought in mind. "Thy Will," not "Mine," be done.

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Q: What does the tattoo on Lil Wayne's back say?
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What dose lil waynes tattoo on his eyelids say?

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It says "i really need to learn English and stop using ebonics"

Is birdman Lil Waynes daddy?

No, lil waynes real dad abandonned his mom when he found out she was pregnant, Birdman came into lil waynes life at around age 6/7 and they consider each other as father and son.

What does the prayer tattoo on lil Wayne say?

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lil waynes chuckies dad chuckee dady is not lil Wayne people just say that lil Wayne said chuckee isn't his son he children is reginae Dwayne lll lenox Samuel ari and neal

What does Lil' Wayne's prayer tattoo say and What does he have on his arms and stomach?

fidy tree fidy

What does dat tattoo on Lil durk neck say?

Lil Durk has multiple tattoos, including some on his neck. The one on his neck says 'Blessed". He appears to like the tattoo lifestyle and wrote a song about tattoos.

Is lil Waynes voice fake?

Lil Wayne often times uses an auto tuner which keeps his voice on tune.

What does the tattoo on Lil Wayne neck say?

He has a lot on his neck. One of them says Weezy with a W above it.

What does it say on lil Wayne's tattoo located on his lower back?

"Give me the courage to face lifes trials and not to from troibles run,let me keep this thought in mind."Thy Will,"not "mine," be done. "

Who killed Lil Wayne's father?

In many songs recorded by Lil' Wayne, such as Look At Me Now, he mentions his father's "death".However, when Dwayne (Lil' Waynes first name) was 2 years old, his parents divorced.Affected by this event, Dwayne decided to drop the "D" in his name (he was a junior) and say that his father was dead because he was never in Dwaynes' life.So, Lil Waynes' father, Dwayne Carter, is still alive.