It is a picture of a large dog, Newfoundland I think, seated with a young girl in Victorian dress, holding a silver sugar bowl in one hand, and resting a sugar cube on the dogs nose.
Many Fords of that vintage required that a jumper be placed on a socket near the distributor. Without the jumper in place it's not possible to change the timing of the engine. Install the jumper, set the timing with a timing light THEN remove the jumper and it should stay. You'll need to get a reference manual to identify the jumper location and to determine the proper timing advance settings.
No, you need at least 8 gauge for jumper cables.
Yes, the sugar will remain on the bottom of the tank like sand.
granules of sugar
sugar ants look really cool i cant explain it but go onto google images
Yes, "wooly jumper" is the correct spelling.
it is a circle that has a big S in it and a lot of little dot that look like sugar
Jumpers look like plastic caps with a piece of metal inside, just like those in the above photo. They are usually black, but they can be a number of other colors. Their purpose is for making selections on hardware.
Sugar ant nests can be found between rocks and in holes in the woods. Their nests usually look like raised hills with a hole in the middle.
It looks like a square crunchy white cube.
To illustrate where to attach the jumper cables to the car battery
Example 14 sugar cubes.
Thirty grams of sugar is equivalent to about 7.5 teaspoons or 6 sugar cubes. This amount of sugar is roughly equal to the amount found in a regular can of soda.