625 stamp means the item is 62.5 % gold, which = 15ct
Yes, white gold can be stamped with "625" to indicate its purity. The number "625" is typically used to denote that the white gold contains 62.5% pure gold. This purity level is commonly seen in white gold alloys used in jewellery making. White gold is created by combining gold with other metals, such as palladium, silver, nickel, or platinum, to achieve its characteristic white hue. The resulting alloy is then stamped with a marking to indicate its purity level. For instance, "625" signifies that the metal is 62.5% pure gold, with the remaining percentage made up of other metals used in the alloy mixture. It's important to note that the stamp "625" or any other purity mark might vary depending on the country's regulations or standards. Therefore, when purchasing white gold jewellery, checking for these purity markings can help ensure you're getting the quality and purity level you desire.
The 625 which is stamped on a white metal ring means the ring is classified as 15 carats. Jewelers place the marks on jewelry so they can be easily identified.
what does LXG stamped on gold mean
what does dm stamped on gold mean
625 carot gold and made in USA
Ive seen 10k gold from brazil stamped ,935
is 535 gold
i have a gold ring with ING stamped on the inside , what does that mean ?
The 705 stamp equates to 17 karat gold. Gold is stamped based on purity, with 24 kt gold being pure gold. 18kt gold is stamped 750 because it is 75% pure. 17kt gold is actually about 70.8% pure, but is stamped 705 instead of 708. 17 karat gold is not as common as 18kt or 14kt, but it is available. Especially in parts of Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.
Your gold is real :)
they are gold plated.
The value of your gold men's ring stamped BGE 925 is $13.28.