The slang term chilla commonly refer to chilling. For instance, to be in the state of chillin in which all of your doing is chilling, and nothing else, is chilling.
"La chilla" is not a common or standard phrase in Spanish. It could possibly be a regional or slang term, but without more context it is difficult to provide a specific meaning.
"Boggie" is a slang term used to refer to cocaine in some regions. It is a colloquial term that is not commonly used in mainstream or formal settings.
The slang term "pig" is often used as a derogatory and offensive term to refer to police officers. It is commonly used in informal or disrespectful settings.
In British slang, a quid is equivalent to one pound sterling. It is a slang term commonly used to refer to money in the UK.
"Brown" was a slang term commonly used in London to refer to the obsolete Halfpenny.
Australians commonly refer to kangaroos as simply roos.Sometimes they may be called boomers, which is the term for a male kangaroo.
Most commonly, the slang term "bucks" refers to the Dollar and was borrowed from the Yanks. Alternatively, "bucks" can refer to the male of a number of species of animal, notably the kangaroo.
"Snow" is a term commonly used to refer to cocaine. This slang term is derived from the white, powdery appearance of the drug.
"Slang ops" is a term that is commonly used in gaming and refers to slang operations or slang tactics. It can refer to a group of players using slang or casual language, or it can mean utilizing unconventional and creative strategies in a game.
"Shlick" is a slang term that can refer to the sound made when a finger is inserted into a wet vagina. It is commonly used in the context of pornography or erotic stories.
In "Lord of the Flies," togs are British slang for clothes or clothing. The term is commonly used by the boys to refer to their garments or attire on the island.
The word "quid" is believed to have originated from Latin, where "quid" meant "what." It later evolved in British slang to refer to the British pound, and is now commonly used as a slang term for money in general.