It means that it tests positive for either aldehyde, alkene, or phenol functional groups.
A positive Molisch's test result indicates the presence of carbohydrates.
The Presence-Absence (P-A) test is a presumptive detection for coliforms.
The IMViC test results that would indicate the presence of fecal coliforms are negative for indole production, positive for methyl red test, negative for Voges-Proskauer test, and positive for citrate utilization.
It depends on what that pregnancy test uses to indicate pregnancy. Read the directions carefully to see what they use to indicate a positive or negative pregnancy test.
As we all know that the potassium permanganate (KMnO4) is the dark purple color solution ...and in titration it become colorless when the titration is completed ...and the other single drop of KMnO4 solution produce pinkish colour in a beaker ...which indicate that the reaction was completed just a single drop before .. we use indicator in a a reaction in order to indicate ...but we dont used indicator in titration with KMnO4 because it also indicate us by changing its color ...colorless to pink
Yes it does. This is a general test for unsaturation.
The formula for potassium permanganate is KMnO4
2-butanone will give a positive test with Tollen's reagent, forming a silver mirror, while 2-methylbutanal will not react with Tollen's reagent. 2-methylbutanal will oxidize with KMnO4, turning the purple solution into a brown precipitate of manganese dioxide, while 2-butanone will not react with KMnO4.
Yes, the biuret test will indicate the presence of peptides. If it turns violet, it is a positive result.
Signs of pregnancy are absent period and positive pregnancy test. If you think you're pregnant, take a pregnancy test.
If your pregnancy test is positive then most likely you are. You would be more likely to get a false negative rather than a false positive. If you are unsure, you can request a beta HCG test from your doctor. This will measure the HCG hormone in your blood system which is an indicator of pregnancy. The pregnancy test is positive and you haven't had a period in two months. I see nothing to indicate that this is a 'phantom' pregnancy other than maybe wishful thinking. I've been told that the home test kits may give a false negative, but that they never indicate a false positive.
Yes the two substances will indicate a positive result for opioid ingestion.