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The person saying it admits that he/she has done something wrong or has made a mistake.

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Q: What does the phrase 'guilty as charged' mean when used informally?
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Why the phrase 'bleed guilty' which means confess or admit guilt is not defined as such in English dictionaries?

There is no such phrase. You mean plead guilty.

What the pr aise guilty beyond a reasonable doubt mean?

there guilty no matter what and its phrase not phraise

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The phrase "gear up" typically means to get ready for something, to be prepared. It is normally used informally to describe the start of the preparation process.

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"Drop a dirty" is slang for defecating or having a bowel movement. It is a colloquial expression that is often used informally.

If you pled guilty to a misdemeanor and received summary probation does that mean you were convicted of a crime?

Yes, entering a guilty plea is the same as being convicted of the crime that the person was charged with.

What does it mean when someone enters their plea?

"Entering a plea" means the offiical declaration of your plea in the case in which you were charged (i.e.- 'enter' a plea of guilty - 'enter' a plea of not guilty).

What does the phrase ''you're a good one' mean?

The phrase "you're a good one" is often used informally to express surprise, admiration, or sometimes sarcasm towards someone's behavior or actions. It can mean that the person has done something unexpected or praiseworthy.

What does the spanish word meteselo mean?

"Meteselo" is a colloquial phrase in Spanish that translates to "stick it in" or "put it in" in English. It is often used informally in a sexual context.

What does Dali papi mean?

"Dali papi" can be a phrase in Spanish that loosely translates to "give me daddy." It is often used informally to express desire or attraction.

What happens if a man is charged for domestic in san antonio?

if you mean domestic abuse, and he is found guilty it is fines and jail time.

What is the meaning of the phrase charged with electricity?

If you are looking for the literal meaning, it means that something was electrically charged. If you mean the idiomatic or figurative meaning, it means that a situation was emotionally "charged" and volatile.

What does it mean when someone has a guilty pleasure?

The phrase 'guilty pleasure' often refers to something a person really enjoys and loves doing, but they feel a sense of guilt about it. For example, eating junk food is often seen as a guilty pleasure.