Shayne is a variant of the Irish Sean, a variant of the Hebrew name John meaning "Yahweh is gracious".
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What does the last name "Besaw" mean?
Shae is a Gaelic name. It has no meaning in ancient Hebrew.
Shae Bradley's birth name is Kristina Shae Bradley.
Shae Kennedy's birth name is Shannon Kennedy.
The Mandarin word "shae shae" in English means "thank you." It is a polite way to express gratitude in Chinese.
There isn't a direct translation of the name Shae-la in Chinese. It would likely be transliterated into Chinese characters based on the closest sounds, but the meaning would not be inherent in the characters chosen.
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Melvyn You may have to call the Store for Shae inventory... HOT MAMA is the store name...
Shayne is a variant of the Irish Sean, a variant of the Hebrew name John meaning "Yahweh is gracious".
Shae Kennedy goes by Shae.
The same way that you do in English.