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Us- in medical terminology is the masculine latin noun and is also a singular suffix for many words. It can be changed to -i to make a plural form of many words. For example: bronchus can be changed to bronchi.

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12y ago

This is not just a medical usage.

The suffix ~ac is used when an adjective is created from a noun, and is itself often used as a noun.

Medically, the first usage which springs to mind is "Cardiac Arrest" - this refers to the sudden stopping of the function of the heart...... cardiacus being Latin for 'heart'.

Another is the word sacroiliac, which means relating to the sacrum and the ilium (two of the bones in the pelvis).
The "-ac" is a suffix added mostly at the end of medical words and other scientific words that indicates "relation to". It comes from the French, Latin, and Greek forms and is sometimes related to the suffix "-ic" also. So, in a medical example we could take the word "cardiac". The "-ac" would mean "related to the heart". And so on. Here is a more detailed explanation:
In medical terminology...... -ac = pertaining to The abbreviation "a.c." means = ante cibum or before meals.
anti-coagulant or before meals
Depending on the context, ac can stand for before meals (with regard to medication, for instance) or acromioclavicular (as in the ac joint).
Pertaining to
Pertaining to # Example: Cardiac Means Pertaining to heart

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12y ago

suffix AR = pertaining to
Suffixes that turn the words into adjectives (or pertaining to) are: -ac/-al/-an/-ar/-ary/-eal/-ic/-ive/-tic
-ar is not specifically a medical suffix but is generally used as an adjective suffix in the English language. -armeans "like, nature of, relating or pertains to, belonging to".

Mnemonic using a very visual acronym story to recall -ar: "Does that car (-ar) really (relating to) belong (belonging to) to you?" asks the police officer who is trying to calm down the crowd. And no one thought you could teach your pet LioN (like, nature of) to drive your car. He's doing great but you forgot to teach him how to stop at stop signs and pedestrians.
related to or pertaining to "vascular"
-ar means pertaining to
Ar is not a prefix in medical terms. Ab and Ad are, but not Ar.

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9y ago

-itis is the medical terminology combining form meaning inflammation

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The medical terminology combining form -ism means process or disease from a specific cause

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12y ago

suffux al = pertaining to
pertaining to
It is a suffix used to turn verbs into nouns as in medicinal from medicine.
-al suffix means pertaining to

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12y ago

The combining form eu- generally means good or normal in medical terminology.

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-tussis means cough.

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