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A task that's a piece of cake is an easy task.

If something is a piece of cake it's simple and will not be hard to accomplish.

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12y ago
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10y ago

A piece of cake, is to say that something is easy to do. For instance, it is a piece of cake for someone trained in gymnastics to do a somersault.

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9y ago

According to the American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms, a "piece of cake" is "something easily accomplished," e.g., "I had no trouble finding your house -- a piece of cake."

To read more explanations of the usage and origin of this idiom on, click on the Related Link.

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14y ago

The idiom is "piece of cake".

It refers to something that is perceived to be very easy or simple, something that is as easy to do as eating a piece of cake.

"Hey, Chuck Norris! Can you break through this flimsy wooden door? My brother is trapped inside!" "Sure I can, that's a piece of cake!"

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9y ago

It means ( its a simple thing)

It means easy.
Example: I did in my math 3+3 that equals 6- it is a piece of cake!

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11y ago

I think your asking two different questions but ii will only answer the one I know. I don't know where it came from but it means that it is really easy. same as easy as pie.

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4y ago

Take one piece at a time

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