The gas pedal doesn't feel any different when the fuel pump goes out. If your fuel pump goes out, you'll know because your car won't start and stay on for you.
it gose like this it gose like this
It sounds like a fuel flow problem. Check the entire fuel system from tank to carburetor. Start at the carburetor and work your way back. All fuel lines, regulator (if there is one), fuel filter(s), etc. Best of luck.
get a fuel pressure guage, check for fuel pressure and if you are getting fuel to your injector(s) then check for spark at the plugs.
fuel pump
the fuel pump is getting weak or the motor timing or/ spark advance is off
talk to him but don't tell him you like him try to become his friend and see where it gose
because feller the fish gose moo
sounds like a fuel problem check first for a plugged fuel filter if filter is OK, it is likely a fuel pump, if you have access to a fuel pressure gauge check fuel pressure a test port is located on the back of the manifold on the drivers side should be around 60lbs of pressure if not you probably need a fuel pump. the other alternative if filter is good and fuel pressure is good it may be a plugged catalytic converter
You may have a dirty fuel filter, try changing it with a new one.
I think it was because where they live and the typs of weather thet gose
it's from high school musical. corbin blue and lucas grabeel
"Bad Romance" By: Lady Gaga