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Tawny Is A Pale Orangish-Brownish Color.

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Q: What does the color tawny look like?
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Related questions

What does 'tawny' mean?

The term tawny refers to a yellowish brown or orange-brown color, usually with regard to cats.

What is the definition of the word 'tawny'?

Tawny is a word used to describe a certain shade of color on an object or objects. The color that tawny refers to is a orange-brown or yellowish-brown color.

What is a sentence for tawny?

we found this tawny color rock and took it home

What does an Arabian wildcat look like?

Their color varies from reddish to sandy yellow to tawny brown to grey with faint tabby markings. The back of the ears are reddish to brown.

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What did the Alexander look like?

Alexander the great was said to be very handsome. Most historians think he had curly hair that was a tawny-blond color. He had a straight nose and was clean shaven.

What is the tawny pup?

Well Tawny is a color like Tan, and pup is well... a dog or puppy. So a Tawny pup is a Webkinz or a real type of animal/dog. -XD Hope I helped! P.S God bless you all!

How do you use tawny in a sentence?

The tawny kitten was so cute, I just had to adopt it.

What did Alexander the Great look like?

Alexander the Great was said to be very handsome. Most historians think he had curly hair that was a tawny-blond color. He had a straight nose and was clean shaven.

What color are Kudu?

They can be either brownish or more of a tawny gold color.

What is a tawny sunset?

A tawny sunset refers to a sunset with a warm, golden-brown color palette. It often creates a beautiful and serene atmosphere with hues ranging from orange and amber to pink and brown, resembling the color of tawny port wine.

What is a name for a tawny cat?

There are many felines that have a tawny brown coloration. Domesticated cats can come in that color but, if looker for a larger feline then Cougars and African Lions are that color.