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The cross is symbolic for Jesus Christ.Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins. Jesus was put to death at the hand of many people and was sent to die the worst death-sentence ever invented the word "excruciating" comes from out of the cross. Dying on the cross is the most painful way a person can die. So painful they had to invent a word for how bad the pain was. John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son so that we may live and have everlasting life" Before Christ Jews had to make animal sacrifices and burn insense but because of Christ he was the holy lamb that took the blow for all humanity in the most painful way possible.

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15y ago

It represents how jesus died on the cross on Good Friday, and how he took it upon his earth bound body to take our sins and wash us clean of evil, metaphorically. It also shows it as just the cross (unlike most catholic cross's, where jesus is still on it) .It has many different translations but generally means the same thing.

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10y ago

Catholics use a crucifix in their symbol of the cross. That is, a crucifix is the cross and a statue of Jesus hanging from that cross. For Catholics, the wooden cross portion of the crucifix represents the burden of sin that Christ carried on his way to his death. The cross resembles suffering, pain, trial, which can be heavy to bear. However, the cross is not alone. Since it is shown with our saving lord on it, we are reminded that he is our victory over all of these things, including death itself.

Catholic AnswerThe "Catholic Cross" is a crucifix, in other words, a cross with a corpus or representation of Jesus' body on it. It is to symbolize the sacrifice of Our Blessed Lord, in giving up His life on the cross for our salvation. It also symbolized the cross which each of us must take up each day to follow Him.

from Modern Catholic Dictionary by John A. Hardon, S.J. Doubleday & Co., Inc. Garden City, NY 1980

Crucifix. A cross bearing the image of Christ. It must be placed on or over an altar where Mass is offered. Due reverence is always given to it. It is sometimes carried as a procession cross leading a line of clergy. Depicting the dead or suffering Christ, the crucifix did not come into general use until after the Reformation. The earlier ones represented Our Lord as the High Priest crowned, robed, and alive. Some men had women religious wear a crucifix as part of their habit. A crucifix is attached to the Rosary beads, and many liturgical blessings are to be given with it. A blessed crucifix is a sacramental and is commonly displayed in Catholic hospitals, homes, and institutions.

Cross. Primarily the instrument of suffering on which Christ died and redeemed the world. It also stands for whatever pain or endurance that a Christian undergoes, and voluntarily accepts, in order to be joined with Christ and co-operate in the salvation of souls. The Cross is, therefore, a revealed mystery, taught by Christ when He said, "If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him renounce himself and take up his cross and follow me" (Matthew 16:24). The mystery of the Cross is one of the principal themes of St. Paul's writings (Romans 5:8; 1 Corinthians 1:17; Galatians 4:16; and Philippians 2:6-11).

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15y ago

It stands for how God's son Jesus died on the cross to save sinners. Actually, it stands for the god Tammuz. A fertility god. Hence the shape that the cross makes.

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13y ago

The cross represent Jesus death and means that Jesus is all ways there and he will take us to heaven for he died for our sins.

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