An acronym is a word composed of first letters of the words in a phrase, especially when this is used as a name . An example of an acronym is NATO which is made up of the first letters of the north Atlantic Treaty Organization.
In computing terms, LAN stands for (L)ocal (A)rea (N)etwork.
BCL is an acronym for Bank Comfort Letter. It is a letter that is issued from the buyerâ??s bank to the seller.
BBM The acronym for Blackberry messenger is BBM. Blackberry's basic acronym is BB, although it is not used as commonly anymore now that Blackberry is on the decline.
Body control module.
in Acronym Finder in Acronym Finder
The acronym may mean "by us for us" and may be a misstatement of the acronym FUBU.
That is not an acronym in any of the Acronym Dictionaries.
Barf is an acronym for "Bile And Regurgitated Food". not slang, but an acronym.
The acronym AQR means Ain't Quite Right.
The acronym ART means Approaching Room Temperature.
The acronym AAA means Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm.
The acronym ALS means Absolute Loss of Sanity.
The acronym AHF means Acute Hissy Fit.
It does not have a BCM.
it mean you!! -------------------------------- IT is an acronym for Information Technology.