The Luna Moth has green wings, red boarders around the green on the wings(sometimes black or brown to, depending on the gender), the wings are large, the feathery antennae are brown (or black or gray), its body is yellow (or brown or gray), its six legs are red(or black or gray or brown), its "tounge" color depends on the leg color.
luna moth
A Luna Moth is a large green moth with long 'tails' on the bottom of their wings. They are the moths used in the Lunesta commercials.
Luna Moths do not eat, because they do not have a mouth.
This is what a painted apple moth caterpillar looks like and if you could send feed back i would be very happy
One of my students brought a Luna moth caterpillar she found in her yard into my classroom in Portland, Oregon. I am currently trying to discover if it may have been brought to this area from elsewhere, as I have read that this is not within the usual range of their habitat.
There are no characteristics to tell if caterpillar is going to be a moth or butterfly. The best way to determine if it is a moth or butterfly is to look at the caterpillar's distinctive markings to see if you can make a species specific identification.
That sounds like a cinnabar moth caterpillar. They are toxic and can deliver quite a sting and are quite aggressive towards each other.
luna moths are very attracted to light at night
The scientific name for a Luna moth is Actias luna.
The luna moth belongs to the insect kingdom or the Arthropoda
The leaves of many trees and shrubs. They have been raised on oak, cherry, walnut, and many other species.
The Cinabar Moth Caterpillar