The greek word for eu means good and I think pro means before
The prefix eu- means good, well, normal, happy, pleasing. Also, pleasant and improvement. Derived from the Greek word meaning one's lot or fortune.
Without getting into the actual Greek spellings, this word comes from two Greek roots. Phon is the root meaning sound, and other words from this root are microphone, telephone, headphones, symphony, polyphony, and the funny word cacophony [unpleasant sound, noise]. The Greek prefix eu means positive, pleasant, or good. Words with this prefix are euthanasia, meaning good [eu] death [from the Greek thanatos, death] and euphoria, extremely elevated positive emotional feelings. Another less common word is from psychology: eustress, meaning stress [as in exercise] that is positive, beneficial. So euphony is pleasant sound.
meaning of the word-computer greek
It comes from ευ- (ef) meaning primarily ''good'' among other things like whole and completed and ''the way its meant to be, the ''right'' way''.
The word hated is of Germanic origin, not Greek, therefore it has no Greek meaning.
nimbuzz is not a Greek word and it doesnt have any meaning in Greek.
The name Eulalia is of Greek origin and means "well-spoken" or "sweetly speaking." It is derived from the Greek word "eulalos," which combines "eu" meaning "well" and "lalein" meaning "to talk."
It has no Greek meaning as it comes from a Latin word, organum, meaning instrument or tool.
the meaning of this word is (diamelizo)in greek......
The word psyche is the Greek word meaning 'mind' or 'soul'
Science (from the Latin scientia, meaning "knowledge") does not come from a greek word.